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Welcome Fellow Alto Saxophone Players, or players-to-be. Here is where you'll learn the interesting tools of the trade, along with discovering alot about how much you will enjoy this instrument. Have fun learning a life-long talent, and good luck on your journey!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Embouchure Formation

Your embouchure is the way you apply your mouth to a wind instrument.
  1. Slide a piece of paper inbetween the reed, and the mouthpiece until the paper cannot slide any firther. Don’t force it to go down.
  2. Draw a line where the paper goes down to. This is where you’re going to be placing your bottom lip.
  3. Say “Whee”, and hold that position. When you have that position, keep it while trying to also say “too”.
  4. Cover your bottom teeth with a small amount of your lower lip.
  5. Place your mouth on the mouthpiece with the reed, and place your bottom lip at the line where you have drawn on your reed.
  6. Place your teeth directly on the top of the mouthpiece. Put support around the mouthpiece equally. Your chin should be flat and pointed. Check in a mirror to make sure your embouchure is formed properly.
  7. Play long tones daily, to form a superb embouchure, and develop a strong beautiful tone.
  8. DO NOT puff your cheeks out.

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