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Welcome Fellow Alto Saxophone Players, or players-to-be. Here is where you'll learn the interesting tools of the trade, along with discovering alot about how much you will enjoy this instrument. Have fun learning a life-long talent, and good luck on your journey!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Practising Tips

  1. The saxophone is definitely a very loud instrument, and you don’t want to completely irritate your parents, try playing in your closet with your clothes, to absorb your sound and not annoy your parents.
  2. Breathe from your diaphragm so that your tone is nicer, and so that you can hold notes for longer.
  3. Twist the mouthpiece so you don’t need to turn your head, which allows a steady airstream.
  4. Practice deep breathing and long notes, and in time you’ll be able to play very long notes with ease.
  5. Practice your scales. Chromatic scales, and arpeggios of every major and minor scale.
  6. Play for 15-30 minutes everyday.
  7. Play at different tempos. Slow to increase tone, and fast to increase intonation.
  8. Find a piece of music that you enjoy, and that is fairly challenging and get really good at. Try playing it five times through without any errors. If you make one error, no matter how small, you go back to the count of zero. This will improve your concistency.
  9. Practice cut time pieces.

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